ERP based VAT software in UAE allows business accountings to be kept up-to-date as per the government taxations. Since, GCC VAT rates vary for various industries it is important to use VAT software in UAE. In addition, accounting software in UAE should be VAT compliant and it should function as VAT software. Most businesses use Enterprise Resource Planning Software or Accounting Software in UAE to properly manage their business accountings. But, at the back-end still many ERP software’s make use of desktop spread sheets to manage their VAT (Value Added Tax) oriented transactions & tax filings. This is in general, is a tedious task as it requires the effort of many employees. There may, even be multiple departments supporting the centralized ERP process. Moreover, they may even create or rebuilding various tax related codes & functionalities to make the ERP software function properly.
This may give rise to many errors & difficulty in the usability of ERP Software in UAE. Inadditon, the day to day updates happening in the TAX requires the need to install new & new features in the ERP software. So, basically a company which doesn’t have VAT enabled ERP software in UAE is met by problems like:
Moreover, properly automated VAT enabled ERP software in UAE delivers better efficiency for tax department works. This allows keeping the ERP software updated about the latest changes in the VAT (Value Added Tax) modules. This could be done through proper installation of the required controllers. It also allows reducing the errors that may arise due to manual tax updates, manual data entry & work processes.
Bluesky VAT software in UAE offers you complete control over your business taxations. Our VAT software in UAE delivers better cost savings for your business with up-to 40% reduction on VAT compliance costs. This could be done by minimizing the working time & resources needed by Tax personnel.
As a matter of fact, scrutiny with GCC-VAT is one of the unavoidable processes for any business in the Middle Eastern region. Together with automated VAT software in UAE, Tax consultants needs to work with the professional IT experts to deliver desirable results for a business.
Most widely known ERP software’s like SAP & ORACLE offers complicated tax reporting support. Even with their ERP functionalities, it becomes extremely difficult for a business to keep their business tax compliant. As much as this arises due to their sophisticated ERP functionalities. One situation is where the person responsible for handling GCC-VAT Tax ends up rechecking the ERP tax data into papers or desktop based spreadsheets for further proceeding, analysis, clearing, maintaining & preparation of returns.
This problem arises because most prominent ERP software’s are built based on manual processes. These manual processes serve as the foundation of much famous ERP software. Over 70% of the companies worldwide use ERP software that involves the usage of desktop spread sheets. The use of inefficient practices is increasing the cost of the ERP to a huge margin. Since, an ERP’s standard functionalities are flooded by customized manual processes.
Also, the constant up-dating & over loading of manual tax processes affects the efficiency of the manual processes.
Then again, apart from the desktop spreadsheets the companies are faced by a wide range of internal management issues based on VAT implementation & VAT compliance.
Some of them are as follows:
Nonetheless, depending on manual data processing could invariably affect the proper functioning of ERP software. It could also lead to other law violations if not checked properly. Above all, this may even affect the future growth plans of the business.
Regardless, the complications & complexity in GCC-VAT would only increase more and more in the years to come. So, VAT software in UAE which gives better transparency & regulatory attention is much needed for any business. Moreover, failure in filing proper tax returns would lead to penalties issued by the government. Also, the randomly changing macro environment has forced government to take business tax auditing more seriously into their concern.
In contrast, both internal & external pressures has caused many companies to depend upon ERP based VAT software for better flexibility & reporting. Also this has prompted them to take stringent measures to check VAT compliances form the start to end of a transaction. This problem has caused many ERP based VAT software to take into consideration two factors:
In contrast, the proper combination of taxing solutions & tax compliances allows providing a complete end to end solution for businesses. End to end support is basically developed to reduce the need to identify, analysis & correct errors in Taxation reports. Well automated VAT software allows saving more money & time. It offers better visibility across all business departments such as IT, Finance, Sales, Purchase, Inventory, Production, Tax Filing & Business Auditing.
Bluesky Technology Consultants FZE offers complete ERP based VAT Software in UAE suited to all types of business sectors. In basic concept, where ever you do business your business should follow taxation rules present in the country. So, our aim is give businesses easy to use VAT software in UAE with better usability. Bluesky doesn’t just offer only VAT software but an entire business process management module through our Cloud based ERP Software.
Our ERP based VAT software includes modules such as:
We simplify complex taxation process through the best in class VAT software in UAE. Complete 24*7 customer support is provided our team to maintain proper business taxations.
It involves features such as:
All taxation modules are included in Bluesky ERP based VAT software!
To Request a DEMO of our product get in touch with our team at the earliest.