
Thank you for taking the time to visit.

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UNOVA International was first incorporated in 2006 from the capital of Bangladesh, Dhaka. In course of time UNOVA International has accumulated valuable experience in the diverse cotton industry of Bangladesh and established itself as one of the leading companies that import raw cotton, importing over 250,000 bales annually


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Our Mission is to build a strong link between the world of cotton trade and the Bangladeshi textile industry by:

  • Building strong network and good relationship with customers, suppliers and other stakeholders
  • Taking a proactive stance, and adapting to the needs of the demanding textile industry of Bangladesh
  • Continuously improving our services.

Products and Services

We supply cotton from all over the world, some of the items in our portfolio are:

  • Indian Cotton (Shankar-6 , MCU-5 & DCH)
  • CIS Cotton (Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazaksthan,Tajikistan),
  • Egyptian cotton
  • American Cotton (Texas)
  • Australian Cotton
  • Pakistani Cotton


At the moment we do not have any vacany but please visit us again. We will be posting our requirements here soon



We are opening our own Custom built Head Office building soon. The work is in the advanced stages of completion


We are starting Denim Production with worldwide distribution tie-up. The products would be launched by May 2016


The Restaurant chain would be operational soon