
The Loving Words of Jesus Christ Confirmed With Signs, Wonders And Miracles


The Loving Words of Jesus Christ Confirmed With Signs, Wonders And Miracles


The Loving Words of Jesus Christ Confirmed With Signs, Wonders And Miracles

The Gospel of Love and Power


The "Gospel" of God brings forth the most great and powerful truth ever made known to mankind is that "God loves you with an everlasting love" (John 13:1)

  • God has chosen to love us
God has decided to love us

That is God's perfect Will to love us in spite of who we are and who we are, while we were yet sinners (and aliens) Jesus died for us (Romans 5:8). That's why even now God accepts us, receives us, and permits us to come to Him at all times in the Name of His only begotten son Jesus Christ.

Love that accepts, receives us, responds to us, permits and never refuses us – all because of Jesus Christ – God's only begotten Son.


This "Gospel of Love" reveals and releases that "God is our Father" forever. (Psa. 68:5 / Isa. 9:6 / Isai. 63:16 / Jer. 31:9 / Matt. 6:9 / Eph. 4:6 / Heb. 1:5) This truth imparted into our hearts gives a deep sense of eternal security, inner assurance, and a steadfast confidence – a real faith that God our Father is forever there for us. That's why Jesus said, "Preach this Gospel to all mankind".

Today a hurting world deprived of genuine Fatherly love, young lives in turmoil, despair, utterly disappointed, desperate, and depressed – where can they turn to? Only to the God who is their Father.


"Gospel of Love" declares to us the greatest joy mankind loves to receive. Your sins are forgiven; you are pardoned by the Blood of Jesus Christ which was shed for you. As you impart this message of "truth" to your people, a new hope begins to rise within them. A new fountain of faith is opened inside them. Every sense of guilt, condemnation of a past sin is washed away. Every fear gets pushed out of their mind.

As they begin to realize, recognize and receive this truth that – "The Gospel of Love through the Blood of Jesus Christ gives them an eternal pardon for all their sins. "The Truth shall set them free" (John 8:32).

The Gospel of Love & Power sets them free from the authority (of slavery) of Satan, sin, sickness, curse, disease, poverty, fear, death etc


The Gospel of Love and Power now

  • 1) Restores a lost relationship with God.
  • .b) Restores a lost position with God
  • .c) Restores the lost times & blessings from God (Psa. 51:12 / Joel 2:25).
Restoration in any language means to bring back to the original or initial stage. But restoration in God's Language is to bring back to a better, greater and prosperous place in life.

A "reconciliation" takes place with God the Father through Jesus Christ our Saviour and Lord (Col. 1:20-22). This result in the liberty that Christ Jesus gives us though His Shed Blood that we are fully acquitted (forgiven and pardoned) and God holds no charges against us, since all such punishments even unto death were imputed upon Jesus Christ our Savior who willingly became our substitute at Calvary.

This satisfied all of God's requirements to justify all mankind who believe on the death, burial and bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ the Saviour and Lord.

This releases a "new boldness" and confidence that we can go to the Father (God) at all times in Jesus Christ name and we shall be accepted and received (Hebrews 4:16)


This Gospel of "Love & Power" is the power of God unto salvation for those who believe (Rom. 1:16).

In salvation;
  • a) The Power of God saves from eternal death.
  • b) The Power of God saves from the wrath, punishment, and condemnation of God.
  • c) The power of God saves us from sickness, diseases, death etc.
  • d) The Power of God saves us from sorrow and fear.
  • e) The Power of God saves us into life eternal in Christ Jesus.
  • f) The Power of God saves into life victorious and abundant in Christ Jesus.
  • g) The Power of God saves us into life of healing, wholeness in body, soul and spirit.
  • h) The Power of God saves us into life prosperous, and peace.
  • i) The Power of God saves us into life of Christ likeness in character, virtue, holiness, power and dominion.
  • j) The power of God saves us into life of fruitfulness; bearing fruits in the kingdom of God.

The great and almighty power of God in the Gospel of Love and Power is revealed and released to us by faith in;

  • The Blood (Shed blood of Jesus Christ)
  • The Name (Jesus Christ)
  • The Word of God (66 Books in the Bible)
  • The Holy Spirit
  • The stripes (Stripes of Jesus Christ)


The Gospel of "Love & Power" imparts the life saving truth that God the Father raised Jesus Christ from dead and has seated Him at His right hand side – giving Him (Jesus Christ of Nazareth) all power and authority in heaven and earth forever.

This truth sets us free of fear, shame, oppression and depression, any kind of mental, Emotional turmoil, because Jesus Christ lives we shall also live (John 14:19).


The Gospel of "Love and Power" reveals us the truth that our Savior Jesus Christ is the very interceding High Priest, our only mediator between God and man and the only advocate we have before the Father in Heaven. (Heb. 2:17 / Heb.4:14/ Heb. 9:11/ 1 John 2:1/ 1Tim. 2:5).

What a great comfort, great strength, great relief that our great God Jesus Christ is praying for us in heaven, pleading on our behalf for mercy and pardon for the mistakes and sins we sometimes continue do even now. And our place in heaven is secure and sure because that is the will of God the Father, that we all must be saved (born again) in Jesus Christ Name and live with Him eternally forever in the mansions in our Father's house (1Tim. 2:4 / John 6:39- 40 / John 3:16 / John 14:1).

This is the completion of this Glorious Gospel of God's Love and Power. Jesus Christ the Redeemer, Saviour and Lord is coming soon. We shall be taken in mid-air into heaven in rapture by Him soon. Therefore let us be filled in the Gospel of God's Love and Power, living in humble obedience, fully committed and yielded to this glorious Gospel of God's Love and Power until Jesus Christ appears in mid-air to take us into our eternal home forever (Jude1:24-25 / Thess. 4:13-18).

  • The truth of salvation is the Living Word of God
  • The power of salvation is the mighty Holy Spirit
  • The life of salvation is the shed blood of Jesus Christ