
The Loving Words of Jesus Christ Confirmed With Signs, Wonders And Miracles


The Loving Words of Jesus Christ Confirmed With Signs, Wonders And Miracles


The Loving Words of Jesus Christ Confirmed With Signs, Wonders And Miracles

Five Grace Ministry Gifts

Perfecting the saints, edifying the body of Christ, work of the ministry till we come into the unity of unity of Faith (Ephesians 4:13)

Grow, develop, and mature into the full stature of Christ Jesus our Lord. All these five (5) Grace Gifts must function together to edify (build up) the Body of Christ. And finally the "Body of Christ" to be the prepared Bride for Christ at His coming in mid-air.

God has appointed, God has called (chosen) therefore not any man, God has equipped (John 15:16 / 1 Corinthians 12:27-28)

It is important to be wise and careful

  • You cannot make yourself a ministry Gift
  • Don't see a need and think it is a call
  • Don't enter into ministry because someone else tells you that you are suited for it or because someone else called you.

How will you know your calling?

  • Conviction in your own spirit
  • Witness in your own heart
  • Spiritual empowerment – Gifts of the spirit that go along with that office of calling
  • Holy Spirit compulsion inside you
  • Visions (at times) example, Paul
  • Prophecy (at times)

These ministry Gifts are real people

  • Philip – Evangelist
  • Peter – Apostle
  • Paul – Prophet, Teacher, Apostle
  • Timothy – Pastor, Teacher

The Lord Jesus Christ is the Head of the Church (Mark 16:20)
He gave       He called       He equipped       He will do it

I. APOSTLE   (1 Cor. 12:28 / Eph. 4:11)

The universal Church following the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, "Apostle & Prophet" were obviously the most important ministry offices, because these were the first ministry Gifts to be developed or "set" in the Body of Christ. (In other words, these were the initially most important offices when the early church was just beginning. They spoke forth the revelation of the New Testament – The Foundation of the New Testament Church).

About Apostle:

  • Chief Apostle Jesus Christ (Hebrews 3:1)
  • Sent one, one sent forth with a Commission (confirmed mission) of the Holy Spirit (John 20:21)
  • Paul and Barnabas as apostle to the Gentiles: Signs, Wonders, Miracles (2 Cor. 12:12)
  • Fruit of an Apostle: Souls saved, deep rooted in God's Word, enduring until the end. (1 Cor. 9:2)
  • Apostle – Father in Christ - (1 Cor. 4:15) (Never to dominate, rule over, lord over, but to lead with Fatherly care and concern)
  • An Apostle is first – a preacher, a teacher of the Word of God. (1 Tim. 2:7 / 2 Tim. 1:11)
  • Apostle – personal, deep encounter with the Lord, and an ongoing close relationship with Him and His Spirit, His Word (extraordinary-more than ordinary) (1 Cor. 9:1 / Acts 9:3-6 / 1 Cor. 11:23 / Gals. 1:11-12)
Embraces all other ministries, outstanding spiritual gifts, power, ability, authority, love to establish, pioneer churches and oversee them for a while, raise up spiritual Fathers, and set them over churches, provide Fatherly (loving dictatorial) leadership in Christ Jesus.

  • Types of Apostle
  • Jesus Christ – Chief Apostle (saves us, redeem us)
    Apostle of the Lamb – Eye witness to the life, death, burial, resurrection, ascension of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ of Nazareth

New Testament Apostles

  • Paul- apostle to the gentiles (2nd Tim. 1:11)
  • Barnabas
  • James (Lord's brother)
  • Apollo
  • Silvanus
  • Timotheus
  • Andronieus
  • Junia
Apostles of today – no foundation ever needed, only build, pioneer, oversee churches, raise leaders with power and love to pastor (Father) the flock of the Lord Jesus Christ, to teach, preach, etc.


To speak forth by direct, sudden divine inspiration, an immediate revelation from God. Consistent manifestation of two or three revelation Gifts (Word of Wisdom, Word of knowledge, discerning of spirit) plus spirit of prophecy (not an occasional prophesying).

Four daughters of Philip (Acts 21:8-11)

About Prophet

  • He will see visions & revelations
  • The prophets can see and know things supernaturally
  • Vision- Spiritual eyes open, physical eyes closed, Paul (Acts 9:1-8)
  • Trance – more conscious of the spiritual that the natural. Physical senses are suspended for a moment. Paul (Acts 22:17-18) / Peter (Acts 10:10-11)
  • Open Vision – physical eyes open and natural senses active. Yet spiritual eyes are open. (John - Revelation chapter 1)
  • He can have more than one ministry
Example: Elisha had a healing ministry (Luke 4:27)
  • The Lord tells a prophet what He wants him to know (not everything) (2 Kings 4:27)
  • Prophets are not obligated to perform (you cannot conjure up these as you will). True prophet will always exalt Christ the Savior and bring Glory to Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
  • True prophet will draw all unto Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Every word of the prophet is subject to the Word of God (1 Cor. 14:29)
  • Prophets can sometime foretell
Example: Agabus (Acts 11:28)
Prophet Agabus told what would happen to Paul. But, did not decide for him, or direct him whether to go or not. The prophets office prepares us to receive, something God has for us in the future. (But it can not be turned on & off as we please). The Holy Spirit operates as He will. (Acts 21:10-11). Prophet cannot decide or direct anyone. (Only the Holy Spirit must lead us).


A messenger of good things.
About Evangelist

  • Major message – salvation by the grace of God in Christ Jesus of Nazareth
  • Supernatural gifts – working of Miracles. Gifs of Healings.
  • Must preach Jesus Christ of Nazareth - (The Word of God)
  • Cause someone to love JESUS and make a decision to come to Jesus to forgiveness
  • The Word "Evangelist" is mentioned three times in the New Testament [(Eph. 4:11 / Acts 21:8 (Philip) / 2 Tim. 4:5 (Timothy)]
  • Supernatural Advertisement - Philip in Acts 8:6
  • Evangelist needs others. (Acts 8:14)
  • Evangelist Philip – brought people to Christ for salvation (with healings, miracles etc)
  • Had no callings to establish churches, teach people, get them rooted in God's Word.
  • Had no gifting impart of Holy Spirit baptism to those who were saved in his ministry that's why Peter & John had to be sent by God to Samaria.


Root means – "PROTECT", most important, most prominent, most widely recognized office in Christian Ministry.

About Pastor

  • Jesus Christ of Nazareth – Great Shepherd, Good Shepherd, Chief Shepherd, Great Shepherd (John 10:11) Good Shepherd (Hebrews 13:20) Chief Shepherd (1 Peter 2:25 / 1 Peter 5:4)
  • Overseeing the flock (governing ability of the local church). Calling of God, Anointing of God (Acts 20:28)
It is the Holy Spirit who makes man overseer and not man himself.

Pastoral Virtues
  • Supernatural Gifts are required
  • Love, compassion, care, concern for the flock
  • Attachment to the flock. Covenantly related to the flock
  • Faithful to the flock
  • Leading with love and authority
  • Teaching, nurturing, feeding, rooting the flock firmly, steadfast, maturing in God's Word
  • Special heart (Gift from God) when dealing with baby Christians. (Nourishing them with God's Word, bear with them in patience) (Jer. 3:15)
  • Fathers the flock – security, protection, responsible to find the green pasture and feed them (Psalms 23). Lost flock, scattered flock, strayed flock will return only to the Father Pastor.
  • Stays and identifies himself with the flock in their sorrows, difficulties, trials etc; give HIS life for HIS flock. (John 10:11)
  • Impact, raise up Christ-like men and women within the flock and release them into God's work. Must have a combination of all and Five Grace Gifts.
  • Sheep reproduces and bring fort Lamb. Therefore, the life of God and power to produce, multiply, increase, replenish, comes from the Chief Shepherd Jesus Christ of Nazareth through the under-shepherds (pastors) into the flock.
  • Greatest and most important - love & compassion. Pastors must love the flock of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 9:36)


The Holy Spirit the perfect Teacher (John 14:26 / Matthew 5:1)

  • The anointing of a "Preacher" is to proclaim the truth
  • The Anointing of a "Teacher" is to explain, analyze, and instruct

Explain – Reveal, open the understanding of the hearer
Analyze – Dissect, analyze, and apply
Instruct – How to apply God's Word
Teaching – Imparting revelation knowledge that flows into the hearer

Teacher's Virtues
  • Full of the Holy Spirit
  • Methodical
  • Simple
  • Deliberate, emphasizing the Truth, in an attractive manner
  • Build up (exhort) the faith in Christ Jesus
  • Divine wisdom - not to cause confusion, division, wait for the right time (1 Cor. 3:12 / John 16:12)
  • Humble, teachable spirit
  • Planting of the seed – Evangelist, Pastor, Apostle
Watering – Teacher, Teaching the Word of God, Spiritually revived, refreshed and ready to grow because of the power of the Holy Spirit.
Example: Apollos was a Teacher, helped the church (to grow) much.
(1 Corinthians 3:6 / Acts 18:27)

In conclusion of the Five Grace Gifts of Ministry:
  • We must know the Holy Spirit
  • Respond to the Flow of the Holy Spirit
  • Know our gifts
  • Know our anointing
  • Know our place in the Body of Christ, in the plan of God
  • God will increase the Churches to "overflow"
  • Be ye Holy as I am Holy (1 Pet. 1:15-16)
  • Be ye Merciful as My Father (Luke 6:36)