
The Loving Words of Jesus Christ Confirmed With Signs, Wonders And Miracles


The Loving Words of Jesus Christ Confirmed With Signs, Wonders And Miracles


The Loving Words of Jesus Christ Confirmed With Signs, Wonders And Miracles

Fruit of the Spirit

Holy Spirit is the source and origin

  • a) Fruit is internal – Gifts are external
  • b) It is what a person is – not what he does (Matthew 7:20)
  • c) It can never be imitated
  • d) It is the hallmark of Godly humility – attracts & attaches people to Christ
  • e) Fruit remains forever – unlike miracles, signs, etc (1 Corinthians 13:13)
  • f) Fruit is the result, sign and evidence of the growth, maturity, experience and sincerity of a believing Christian
  • g) Measure of Christ likeness
  • h) Manifests to whom we belong to
  • i) Fruit declare the firmness, depth, foundation roots of our faith in Christ Jesus
  • j) Our inner attitude – towards God, towards others, towards our self

Since the "Fruit of the Spirit" of the Spirit, Spirit originated, Spirit motivated, Spirit born

  • A) Fruit of the emotions - Love, joy and peace
  • B) Fruits of relationship - Long suffering, gentleness, goodness
  • C) Fruit of attitude - Faith, meekness, temperance

Implies inside of us, our inner deepest feeling, association, feeling with others, attitude, dependency towards God.

I. Fruit of Emotions

Is not natural desire to like someone, sympathize, appreciate, favorable feeling. This is supernatural from God Himself. Therefore, this love is real, live, powerful and love God always. (1 Cor. chapter 13 / Gal. 2:20 / John 3:16 / John 13:34)

Love your enemies. Bless them who curse you. Do good to those who hate you. Pray for those who persecute you. (Matt. 5:44)

Love goes the second mile, to act on behalf of the one who is loved (John 13:35). This love casts out all fear. (1 John 4:18)

Happiness, pleasures are similar, but not the same as joy. Joy is constant, unchanging while happiness and pleasures varies or it changes. Happiness is dependent upon happy circumstances or situations etc. Pleasure is dependent upon pleasant things or habits. Etc.

But joy of the inner state of perfect well being, assurance, confidence, that makes us content even in the face of adversity.

Joy for all occasions | John 17:13 | Acts 13:52 | Phil. 4:4 | John 15:11 Romans 14

Obviously, there is no pleasure, no happiness, in persecution, temptation, trials, etc. But certainly there can (will) be joy. (James 1:2-3 / Matt. 5:11-12 / Heb. 12:2)

Forgiveness of our sins (by the Blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth), pardon and fullness are the reasons for this joy. The world seeks for temporary, artificial God, but we (saved) have a harvest of Joy.

Not only absence of war, conflict, strife, fear, etc, but also a state of absolute harmony, tranquility in life with God, with others and with ourselves. Peace when Jesus Christ was born (Luke 2:14), died (John 14:27), He resurrected (John 20:19). Not because we are unaware of the chaos, disorder, uncertainty around us; but rather, because of the inner assurance and confidence we have in Jesus Christ of Nazareth. This peace leads us victorious life.

Peace with God by the shed Blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Free of guilt, condemnation, fear, tension, anxiety, stress, depression, oppression etc.

Peace with Man - Heb. 12:15-15 / Rom. 14:19 / Rom. 12:18

Peace with Self - 1 John 3:21

Peace in Church - Matthew 5:9

Fruit of Relationship

Steadfastness to Christ Jesus of Nazareth in the face of difficulty or suffering – cancels, defeats the forces of discouragement when faced with trials, disappointments etc.

  • Examples
  • Jesus Christ of Nazareth – Isa. 52:14 / Isa. 53:1-9

  • Paul the Apostle – 2nd Cor. 11:24-27 / 2nd Cor. 12:9-10

Power of Christ will rest in us – directly linked to the "Fruit of Love". Patience is the result of longsuffering. (Gal. 6:1-2 / Col. 3:12-13 / 2 Peter 3:9)

Bearing up, caring for a retarded child that will not bring the full reward of an adult (God can still heal of course), defeats, cancels, short temper, anger short God methods in life etc.

Gentleness (Kindness)
This is the manifestation of God's Grace – manifestation of God towards men, who do not deserve it, but who do deserve severity and punishment.

It is natural to be kind to those who are kind and gentle, even to those who are needy and helpless but it is supernatural virtue to be kind to the evil doers, the mean, the disagreeable, spiteful, etc. (Luke 6:35 /Matt. 5:45)

Gentleness is the mercy that you mete out, when you have the advantage or the upper hand. (Matt. 18:23-35). Kindness shown by one, who has the power of position to be harsh & severe. Yet he chooses to show kindness. Gentleness (kindness) of Barnabas helped Mark to come back to serve Christ. (Acts 15:37-39 / 2 Timothy 4:4-11) (Under the gentle care).

III. Fruit of Attitude (Inner Motive)

This is a desire and sincere keenness to do work at all times.

  • Examples
  • Dorcas - Acts 9:36
    Barnabaas - Acts 11:24
    Jesus Christ our Lord - Matthew 19:16-17

Goodness is God's inherent virtue. God only is good. Even though good deeds can be appreciated, the motive behind it, the attitude that drives it, must be equally pure, sincere and godly.

Faith without works (God works) is dead (James 2:17)
Faith works by (through) love (Galatians 5:6)

Meekness (much the same as humility) We recognize, realize, and accept our own unworthiness and God's perfection. We are nothing, He is everything.

Without Him, I can do nothing - John 15:5
But with Him I can do all things - Philippians 4:13
Blessed are the meek - Matthew 5:5

  • Examples
  • Moses (God testified of him) - Numbers 12:3
    Paul - 2 Corinthians 12:11
    Jesus Christ of Nazareth - Matthew 11:29

Meekness (true humility towards God and man) keeps us always broken hearted. When we are broken inside. God can have His way, His will in us. The Holy Spirit moves freely inside us, changing us, transforming us, and empowering us like Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

The power of God (however may be anointed) can be released through us only when we humble ourselves.

Like waterfall - Point of energy
Generator - Light to all man (Matthew 5:10-14)

True humility (meekness is the real measure of our closeness to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

The more we humble the more we get closer to God, and the more we get closer to Him the more He will be seen, known great in our lives and through our lives. God will be "How great Thou Art". Meekness is purity, dignity and inner strength and inner power in the Holy Spirit.

Temperance (Self-control)
This is the only Fruit that directly deals with our flesh (body). Therefore, it is very important. (1 Cor. 6:19-20 / Rom. 12: 1 / Titus 1:8 / 1 Thess. 5:23)

Spirit wars against flesh. Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior said "Spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak".

    Purity is Power
  • Food control
  • Time control (redeeming the time)
  • Activity control (recreation)
  • Tongue control
  • Eye control
Prayer and fasting helps to develop this important fruit. This Fruit gives glory and tribute to our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth. We run the race; we fight the God war into victory with this fruit if self-control (1 Cor. 9:24-27 / 1 Tim. 1:18)

The Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth gave these ministry gifts when He ascended to heaven, sat at the right hand of God the Father, in all authority and power. (Eph. 1:19-22)