
The Loving Words of Jesus Christ Confirmed With Signs, Wonders And Miracles


The Loving Words of Jesus Christ Confirmed With Signs, Wonders And Miracles


The Loving Words of Jesus Christ Confirmed With Signs, Wonders And Miracles

Baptism and Anointing of the Holy Spirit


As we walk through the door of salvation filled with the gospel of Love and Power, we need to be "water immersed baptised". "Baptism" means to be submerged, dipped, plunged or immersed into.

Jesus Christ the Son of God who Himself is our Salvation, went into the water of Baptism to show us the way (Matt. 3:16).

  1. The act of obedience bears witness to Christ Jesus and the gospel of Love and Power.
  2. Water Immersion Baptism fulfills the righteousness (righteous requirement of God) of God the Father (Matthew 3:15). Now we are found blameless before God.
  3. When Jesus Christ came out of the water, the Holy Spirit came upon Him and filled Him. Our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth receives the Baptism in the Holy Spirit almost immediately after the baptism in water.
  4. The newness of Life – i.e., the Resurrected Life of Christ Jesus – The Life that has power and authority over death, Satan, sin and all works of evil is now effectively manifested in and through our lives as we obey God's Word in water immersion baptism. We receive God's favor and a God witness from God the Father. (Matt. 3:17)
In every "born again" believer (Christian) the Holy Spirit dwells inside
  • He is the most gentle, most compassionate Spirit of Truth.
  • He bears witness in our spirit that we are the children of the most High God.
  • He makes our spirit alive to God in Christ Jesus.
  • He imparts the very nature and life of Jesus Christ into us.
  • He pours in, brings in the love of God into us (John 16:13 / Rom. 8:16 / Rom. 5:5)
Being "baptised in the Holy Spirit" is a necessity for every Christian believer saved by the gospel of Love and Power – which is the grace of God revealed in Christ Jesus. (Acts 1:5 / Mat. 3:11)
  • i) That is, fullness of the Holy Spirit (John 3:34)
  • ii) Filled in the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:4)
  • iii) Anointed in the Holy Spirit (Luke 4:18)
A greater truth is revealed when being baptised in the Holy Spirit. When the saved Christian (born again Christian) or blood washed Christian is immersed in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit's power begins to change, transform that person wholly into the likeness, image of Christ Jesus of Nazareth. God's perfect standard. (Eph. 4:13 / Eph. 4:24 / 2 Cor 3:18)

The process begins with an initial infilling. We must continuously stay filled in the Holy Spirit. (Eph 5:18 / Luke 11:13)

The "result" (blessings) of being baptised in the Holy Spirit are –

  • We are fully yielded, our lives fully handed over into God's Will.
  • Now, we truly give the Holy Spirit our full consent, so that He can lead our lives (Rom. 8:14 / Matt. 4:1)
  • We become dead to sin and our flesh comes under the control of the spirit, so that we are now free (liberty) to glorify God in our body and spirit. (2 Cor. 3:17 / 1 Cor. 6:19-20 / Gal. 5:24 / 2 Cor. 3:13).
When we are fully yielded to the Holy Spirit (literally our lives at His disposal), then the "anointing of God" is released upon us, in us, through us for His purpose, plan, and will to be fulfilled in our lives, in the ministry, in the church, in the community, in the nations etc. (Eph. 6:14)

Anointing of God is the Anointing of the Holy Spirit

e.i: Anointing = Power + Presence + Promise + Pathway of God (Anointing = P + P + P + P)

Psalms 133:1 = Head, Beard, Garment, Feet

Head denotes - Position of Authority, Power and Dominion
Beard denotes - Maturity, growth in the presence of God
Edge of Garment - Promises of God in His Word
Feet denotes - Pathway

Anointing = Liberty + Love + Life + Leading of God – (L + L + L + L)

To "anoint" means – rub, smear, apply ointment, oil, etc, so that it works smoothly, freely (without friction), to make hard areas soft, brings relief from pain, furthermore releases bound / locked working organ to move freely and perform the function they were designed to do. Garment Feet In the Old Covenant (Old Testament), the following only were anointed,

Kings = Power
Priests = Presence
Prophets = Promises

In the New Covenant (present) the anointing of the Holy Spirit is upon everyone who is saved (washed by the Blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth), baptised in water, baptised in the Holy Spirit, fully yielded to Christ Jesus, to enable us:

  • To rule and reign in life as Kings.
  • To represent people to God, and to present God to the people as Priest.
  • To bring forth the Word of God (His Promise)
  • To preach, teach, testify, praise, worship, pray and sing as prophets (Rev 1:5-6).
  1. The anointing of the Holy Spirit "releases" us the (P+P+P+P) – within us, upon us, around us and with us. (John 7:37- 38 / John 14:16- 17 / Joel 2:28)
  2. Anointing breaks every yoke of bondage from our lives and sets us free from,
    • sickness, disease, death and condemnation
    • curse, demonic oppression and witchcraft
    • lust of the flesh, addiction and sin
    • all works of Satan and defeat
    • un-forgiveness, resentment and guilt etc. from religious traditions
      (Isa 10:27 / Acts 10:38 / Zech 4:6)
  3. God anoints us with the anointing of the Holy Spirit empowering us to minister like Jesus Christ of Nazareth and places us into the ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, i.e.
    • Ministry of preaching, teaching and witnessing God's Word.
    • Ministry of Holy Spirit Gifts, Five Grace Gifts.
    • Ministry of Love, compassion and care; wiping the tears of multitudes.
    • Ministry of Life, healing, deliverance and wholeness.
    • Ministry of signs, wonders and miracles.
    • Ministry of prayer and intercession.
    • Ministry of praise, worship and adoration.
  4. The anointing of the Holy Spirit enables us to inspire people to love Jesus Christ of Nazareth with all their heart, thus drawing them all to Christ Jesus and saving them all.
  5. The anointing of the Holy Spirit "teaches" the truth to us. (John16:16 / 1John 2: 27) How can we increase the anointing of God in our life?
    • Hunger and thirst (Isa. 55:1 / John 7:37 / Rev. 22:17).
    • Praise God for the shed Blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. (Wherever and whenever the Blood of Jesus Christ is honored, revered and praised, the anointing of the Holy Spirit flows freely (John19:34).
    • Humility, repentance and holiness in life
    • Love, read, meditate, believe and act on every Word of God and solely depend on God's Word
    • Faith in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
    • Daily, dedicated, disciplined and devotional prayer life.
    • Prayer and Fasting
    • Thankful / gratitude, testifying, praising and worshipping God.
    • Preaching God's Word in faith.
    • Acting on God's Word in faith.
    • Laying on hands and praying (commanding) in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
    • Your availability, teach-ability, servant-hood character in willing obedience.
    • Faithfulness to God (integrity, responsibility and submission) to the given authority in the Church, authority in the family, authority in the country, authority in offices and workplaces. (Rom. 13:1)
    • Bold faith (daring faith) that works by holy and compassionate love of God.
      (Gal. 5:6 /Acts 4:13 / Prov. 28:1)